Poorly Dressed

I love snarky fashion websites.  Go Fug Yourself is an obvious one but Ireland’s own StyleBitches come a close second.  Poorly Dressed is in the same vicinity as these guys, but instead of focussing on celebrities, the authors of Poorly Dressed shine their fashion spotlight on randomers, nutjobs and eccentrics, of which, praise the Lord, there is a plentiful supply.  Examples of things you might find on the site include this guy:

And this guy:

And this guy (my eyes!!!!):

And my very favourite (This lady is wearing a pink shower cap in her convertible.  Surely it would be easier to just get a car with a hood? And what happens to the poodle if it rains? Does his dye job run? What does the inside of her house look like? So many questions…):

3 thoughts on “Poorly Dressed

  1. Haha!
    There goes my mornings productivity! I spent at least an hour and a half marvelling at the botched plastic surgery website you blogged about last week….

  2. The plastic surgery one is like a car crash; you can’t not look at it! I have another website for you to look at later this afternoon – sorry if I’m ruining your workrate! It’ll be up after lunch.

  3. hahaha the guy in the royal outfit is hilarious. Now thats what I call luxury. hideous though.

    The guy with the wedgie needs to be arrested.

    And the pink grandma CLEARLY skipped her death.

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